Coaching for Success Through Your Life Transitions

Inspiring Breakthroughs for Rewarding Lives

Positive Focus ADD Coaching

Women with ADD! Discover how coaching can help you live up to your potential!

PhD & Doctoral Coaching

Stop the struggle! Find out how coaching can help you finish your degree faster.

Retirement Coaching

Don’t wait ~ Get help creating the retirement of your dreams today!

EFT Coaching

Hello! I’m Andrea.

Certified Professional Life Coach

As a coach, I am passionate about helping smart, creative, capable people who have been pursuing important life goals, but who have gotten stalled along the way. (Does this sound like you?) I help my clients discover how they can do better than simply coping with their life challenges. With coaching, you learn how to flourish.

My Expertise

Postive Focus: ADD Coaching for Women

PhD & Doctoral Coaching

Retirement Coaching

My Approach & VALUES

I am a positive psychology coach. The name of my practice, Flourish! Personal Coaching is both a call to action and a goal. In positive psychology, flourishing has six main “pillars” that serve as the foundation for overall wellbeing and for moving people toward greater flourishing:

  • Positive emotions
  • Engagement
  • Relationships
  • Meaning
  • Accomplishment
  • Vitality
PERMA V Coaching

What My Clients Say

PHD Coaching. I am an artist who was stuck for years in my distance-learning PhD program. I was depressed and demoralized and thinking about quitting. Andrea helped me to work better with my committee and restructure my dissertation so I could finish. She provided much more consistent expert support and encouragement than my faculty committee. Working with her really helped. I would not have gotten done without her.

Amy Scatliff

Women with ADD. Andrea helped me to proudly claim my identity as a smart woman with ADD! She helped me to stay focused when working on my dissertation so I could finish it. Since graduation, she has helped me craft a career path as a consultant as CEO of my new company, Foremind Management Consulting, that gives me the freedom to enjoy a career that capitalizes on my creative ADD brain. She has a wonderful spirit of love and giving!”

Yvette T.

PhD Coaching. Andrea helped me to transition out of a PhD program which was a poor fit for my needs. She then coached me in using my skills to establish what is now a thriving organizational development consulting practice. When I was ready, she guided me in getting back into–and thriving in–another PhD program. She has been key to my balancing my PhD and professional work with my family life. If you want an expert PhD coach and gifted life coach, hire Andrea!

Tony B.

Retirement Coaching. The pandemic forced me to enter retirement unexpectedly. I was unprepared for the change, and was left feeling lost about what to do with the rest of my life. Andrea helped me rediscover my purpose–wanting to work for social justice–and use my leadership skills with groups to work on these problems. Her use of EFT (tapping) helped calm my anxieties during this transition. With Andrea’s help, I went from being depressed and anxious to being curious about the possibilities for my life in retirement, and excited about exploring them. I am deeply grateful.

Sarah H.

Retirement Coaching. I was a professor for 40 years and I loved my job. As my retirement date approached, I was terrified! What would I do with my time? My brain? How was I going to make the move to a retirement community? Andrea taught me tapping to soothe my anxieties. She helped me find stimulating lifelong learning programs which I love. When I started looking for retirement communities, she helped me think through my needs and options so I could make a choice that I felt great about. Andrea is a true expert in life coaching to help you construct a rewarding, WHOLE life in your retirement.

Marie W.

Andrea Meier on DaoCloud

Contact Me

Do you have a question? Need a bit more information? No worries! Just ask. I can be reached via cell or email.
Cell: 303-810-9125 or email:
Please allow up to 48 hours to get back to you.
Although I live and work in Boulder, CO, I am able to work with clients all over the world because we can meet over the phone or by videoconferencing.


Boulder, CO 80301