Finish Strong Coaching

for PhDs and Other Doctorates

inspire doctoral students

What’s Impeding Your Progress
to Completing Your Dissertation?

  • Have you been feeling depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed over the ways the pandemic is affecting your PhD work?
  • Have you been procrastinating on your dissertation requirements and have not met your deadlines?
  • Have you avoided contact with your advisor and committee members because you are ashamed about your slow progress?
  • Are you struggling to choose your research question or research methodology?
  • Have your problems managing the challenges of your PhD program made you wonder whether you have ADD?
  • Have you started asking yourself lately, “Will I ever finish my PhD?”
  • Have you become discouraged, and worry that all your investments of time, energy, talent, and money to get your PhD won’t have been worth the effort?

If so, you are not alone! doctoral students often experience these anxieties  as they work to finish their dissertations. Covid 19 only makes the situation worse.

How is Doctoral Study Like Training for a Marathon?

As a doctoral student, you need to think and train for your degree like a long-distance runner. When you begin, it’s exciting! You have committed yourself to achieve an important personal goal. However, it is also long-term project which requires your dedication, effort, knowledge and skill to complete. There will be times when you will have to increase the intensity of your efforts so you can sprint to reach short term goals. Remember, you were accepted into your doctoral program because you have already proven that you are smart, creative, and capable. You have consistently demonstrated these strengths in your classes.

As you progress to doctoral candidacy, all those support structures you had from your classes are gone. Yikes! Now, you are faced with “marathon” challenges: writing your comps, completing your proposal and IRB, designing and conducting your pilot studies. After you have done all that, you still have to do your full dissertation study, and write up your findings and discussion sections.

Phew! In other words, you have to take all these strides to go the distance and finish strong to achieve your goal of becoming an independent scholar.

Can I Flourish While Completing My PhD? Yes!

When you work with a coach you get support to:

  • maintain healthy habits so you have can think clearly and have the endurance you need to do your work well
  • be better organized and efficient in your work habits.
  • stay engaged, focused, and productive while completing your doctoral tasks.
  • cope with uncertainty while you develop your research designs and analyses
  • be more self-confident and effective in working with your advisor and your committee members
  • be more stress-resilient and optimistic about your ability to complete your degree
  • stay grounded in the value and meaning of your PhD work your profession and your life.

I can tailor my coaching approach to meet your dissertation research needs, including:

  • problem-solving around your research topic selection
  • reviewing options for your research methodology
  • defining the “problem” and hypotheses
  • identifying appropriate research literatures
  • developing your conceptual frameworks
  • providing feedback on your data analyses and write up
  • articulating your study’s significance.

Getting a PhD Coach is a Wise Financial investment.

Consider the return on your investment when you use the Finish Strong Coaching Program. The average cost of a PhD program is $30,000 per year. If you are a student at a private university, it can cost much more. Those costs do not reflect these other ”hidden costs”:

  • no time to pursue other interests
  • lost opportunities
  • undistracted time with family and friends
  • income you could have earned if you were working
  • the cost of not finishing. (The sad news is: 50% of beginning doctoral students don’t finish.)

With coaching, you can accelerate your progress to dissertation completion. The sooner you pass your comps, the sooner you can move on to your proposal. The sooner your proposal is approved, the sooner you can complete your dissertation and graduate, and embark on a rewarding professional career.

Coaching is Convenient.

You can get coached from wherever you can access a phone line or the Internet. One-to-one sessions are done over the phone or Zoom. All calls are recorded so you can review later what we talked about in our sessions.

Why Work with Me?

I love working with PhD students! I am an expert PhD coach who has developed my specialty in doctoral coaching for over a decade. I have coached students from Tier 1 universities (University of North Carolina, Johns Hopkins, Fordham University, Fielding Graduate University) in the social sciences and hard sciences. As of 2020, I have helped nearly 100 students complete their doctorates (more than many professors do in their entire careers!). If you choose to work with me, you will have a passionate ally for your personal, scholarly, and professional success.

Contact Me

Do you have a question? Need a bit more information? No worries! Just ask. I can be reached via cell or email.
Cell: 303-810-9125 or email:
Please allow up to 48 hours to get back to you.
Although I live and work in Boulder, CO, I am able to work with clients all over the world because we can meet over the phone or by videoconferencing.


Boulder, CO 80301