Third Age Vitality

Retirement Coaching



American stereotypes of retirement have long assumed that aging means declining health and disengagement from life. A recent AARP study documented how these stereotypes are reinforced by the media. The good news is that retirees don’t have to accept this view. As we live longer, many of us are seeking a new vision of later life. Sociologists have renamed this stage. no longer “Old Age,’ but “Third Age.”

Beyond Financial Security:
Six Big Questions about Your Quality of Life in Retirement

Research shows that most people spend more time planning for a two-week vacation than for their retirement. Although it’s easy to find information on financial planning, it’s just as important to think about all the other aspects of your life that affected by retirement.
1. How will you reshape your retirement plans in light of the current pandemic and economic disruptions?
2. How can you cope with predictable, age-related health changes and still thrive?
3. How can you nurture satisfying relationships with your family and friends, and develop new friendships?
4. How can you use technology to enrich and empower your life?
5. What can you do to find renewed purpose and meaning?
6. How can you pursue your dreams for personal development and growth?

Navigating the Transition into a Rewarding Third Age

In the “Third Age,” retirement is not envisioned as an ending, but as a transition to a new, exciting phase of life! Many of us will spend as much—or more—time in retirement than in our working lives. This fact impels retirees to seek ways to make those years satisfying, productive, and above all, meaningful.

But has the pandemic forced you to consider retiring sooner than you planned? Or, if you are already retired, are you now feeling unfocussed and dissatisfied with your new life stage?

Part of the secret to a successful retirement is having the insights, tools, and resources to renew and re-create yourself. In the  6-month-long, Third Age Vitality Retirement Coaching program, I use evidence-based assessments and retirement coaching strategies to help you envision your own satisfying Third Age.  Then, we work together, to energize your efforts as you design and implement your plan to make your vision a reality.

What Does this Program Include?

In each Zoom session, we will work together to:

  • Clarify your short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals for your retirement
  • Identify the personal and community resources that you can use to achieve your retirement goals
  • Identify obstacles that could slow, or are already slowing, your progress to a satisfying retirement
  • Develop strategies for overcoming those obstacles
  • Refine the physical, emotional, and cognitive skills you need to make your retirement healthy, happy, and meaningful
  • Create environments that support your efforts
  • Develop the mindsets you need to energize your efforts and sustain your motivation to succeed in creating and maintaining a rewarding. Environment

Between sessions, you will complete exercises (“homework”) that reinforces your learning, and implement plans developed in your coaching sessions. I also provide accountability, honoring your efforts, helping you to stay focused and on track, and celebrating with you as you achieve your goals.

When you complete this program, you will have discovered your own answers to the big questions shown above. You will know what it takes to achieve your personal version of a vital Third Age. And you will have established the mindsets and consistent actions you need to be confident that you can sustain and enrich it going forward.

Contact Me

Do you have a question? Need a bit more information? No worries! Just ask. I can be reached via cell or email.
Cell: 303-810-9125 or email:
Please allow up to 48 hours to get back to you.
Although I live and work in Boulder, CO, I am able to work with clients all over the world because we can meet over the phone or by videoconferencing.


Boulder, CO 80301