In previous posts, I have introduced you to Positive Psychology, Energy Psychology and, more specifically, the idea of “flourishing.” In this post, I describe how I coach my clients to help them flourish. At the end, you will learn about how you can have the opportunity to work with as your coach.

Your Flourishing Life Coaching Program

As a coach, I have the privilege of helping clients flourish. This means helping them experience the six dimensions of flourishing

  • Positive emotions
  • Engagement
  • Relationships
  • Meaning
  • Accomplishment
  • Vitality

Besides my specialized coaching services for smart women struggling with ADD, doctoral students, and retirees, I offer general life coaching to help all kinds of people enhance their capacities for flourishing across key life domains, including:


  • Well-being (including healthy active lifestyles, healthy eating, and sleep)
  • Work-life balance
  • Career transitions
  • Athletic performance
  • Creative projects

How Does Life Coaching Help?

My clients usually come with a primary goal in mind. As we work together, many are later inspired to accomplish other goals too.  In every case, my commitment is to be your ally and partner as you:

  • envision an attractive and compelling future that calls forth your best efforts
  • develop mindsets that values incremental progress so you can avoid the traps of perfectionism and procrastination
  • identify your psychological strengths and inspire your creativity
  • design strategies to deploy your strengths effectively under changing conditions
  • stay focused on your goals

  • champion your efforts, and

  • celebrate your successes to keep you inspired and in action.

I also provide accountability. This is a key element in coaching. This is an agreement between me and you that you will get into action and do something specific between sessions in order to progress toward your goals. This includes a plan for how and when you will tell me you have completed your tasks. Its purpose is to keep you focused. It is not to make you feel guilty if you are unable to do what you committed to in a session. “Life happens” and obstacles arise. I promise to work with you find ways to overcome these difficulties so you can regain your momentum.

Working with a Coach is Energizing and Enjoyable

I take my work with my clients very seriously. But making the process energizing and fun for them is equally important. If you don’t like laughing and smiling, then I’m definitely not the coach for you! 
If you are my client, I want you to experience positivity. I want you to bounce out of bed on the days we have our sessions because you know that you will have a great time working out your plans for whatever future you choose to create. My goal is to end each session with you feeling optimistic about your ability to stay organized and energized, so you do what you need to do next to succeed in achieving your goals.

Flourishing with Peak Performance EFT

All of these learnings and activities based on Positive Psychology Principles. Now let’s look at how I integrate Energy Psychology into coaching.

I teach all my clients basic Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT, also known as “tapping”) (link to blog post 3-energy psychology/EFt) and other energy psychology techniques to heal old emotional wounds. These old wounds can affect your brain and nervous system. They can cause current-day emotional distress, such as depression, anxiety, shame and guilt. They are also the underlying cause of inflammatory chronic health problems, and limiting thoughts about your life potential. (Watch this short Youtube video on “How EFT Reduces Stress in Your Mind and Body.”)

I also teach my clients a variant of EFT called Peak Performance EFT. This process can help you break through your personal limits. Everyone is strong in some areas and weak in others. With Peak Performance EFT, you discover how to strengthen those weak areas so they no longer hold you back. You also get inspired to reach for new heights of excellence in those areas where you are strong by challenging your beliefs about how far you can go.

Using Peak Performance EFT approaches, I can help you gain insight into emotional barriers to your optimal performance: the fears which lead to inaction, procrastination and self-sabotage.

When you think wholeheartedly pursuing your goals, what fearful thoughts come up? Here are some examples.

  • Have I taken the wrong path?
  • Have I wasted so much time and energy pursuing my dream?
  • What if I come up short after all that effort?
  • What if I’m not good enough to succeed?
  • What if I don’t deserve to succeed?
  • Will people who are important in my life still love me if I succeed?

In other words, you may associate pain with having success, or with the effort it would take to achieve it. Or you may believe that your own inadequacy is the problem. Using EFT, I can help to “rewire” your brain, breaking the links in the neural networks associated these negative beliefs. Then I can help to strengthen the neural connections between the parts of your brain that are associated with flourishing.

What You Get

Coaching is not magic, but it can be transformational. If you are serious about achieving an important goal or goals, you need to invest time, effort, and resources. Depending on the scale and complexity of your goal(s), you can choose between 6 and 12 months of bi-weekly, 60 minute, Your Flourishing Life coaching sessions.

  • All Your Flourishing Life clients receive:
  • Recordings of each session
  • Guide to EFT e-book so you can practice tapping independently
  • Weekly online Momentum Self-assessments to remind you to reflect on your progress toward your goal(s) and how it enhances flourishing in the rest of your life.


Choose the payment option that best fits your budget.